Thursday, June 28, 2012


Scene of the Crime

August 11, 2012 marks the day the six women who make up the Ladies’ Killing Circle will receive the Grant Allan award at Scene of the Crime on Wolfe Island, Ontario. We were chosen because of our contribution to Canadian mystery writing as we are responsible for the publication of 7 anthologies of short stories by Canadian women.

Because the books would not have existed if Canadian women had not submitted their stories it seemed only fair to acknowledge their contributions. With that in mind I have undertaken to locate and contact the 47 other writers and have them update their bios telling us what they’ve written, what awards they’ve won, if they still write, if they have received accolades in other fields and, finally, and just for fun, to talk about their pets.

Sadly, since the first book appeared in1995 two of our writers have died and we’ve lost track of some others. I’m searching for them and if any readers know the whereabouts and contact information for the following women please let me know.

Sandy Conrad, Rose Deshaw, Day’s Lee, H. Mel Malton, Michelle Marcotte, Marguerite McDonald, Jenifer McVaugh, Eliza Moorhouse, Lea Tassie, Jane Tun

Initially, I thought I’d take each writer’s comments, edit them and make them uniform but I’ve dismissed this idea. Each voice comes through loud and clear and I think it will be much more interesting for readers to present their remarks as they wrote them.

I hope many have registered for Scene of the Crime. It’s a unique festival in a very special place. To learn more check out the website but, having been there twice before, I can verify that it’s fun.

I’m not sure when the author updates will be posted but we’ll let our readers know here on the blog and on our individual websites and Facebook pages.

A member of the Ladies Killing Circle, Joan Boswell co-edited four of their short story anthologies: Fit to Die, Bone Dance, Boomers Go Bad and Going Out With a Bang. Her three mysteries, Cut Off His Tale, Cut to the Quick and, Cut and Run were published in 2005, 2007 and 2007. The latest in the series, Cut to the Bone, will be published by Dundurn in November. In 2000 she won the $10,000 Toronto Star’s short story contest. Joan lives in Toronto with three flat-coated retrievers.

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